A Big Happy Birthday to our Carson. Whether you tell her she's 3 or 12 she a joy to have.
Yesterday, Sherry and I went to lunch with Cindy (Bird, Bath and Beyond) and Ursula, a cousins wife. What a wonderful time we had. She facebooked that we talked about everyone, she is such a kidder. I said we only said good things. We went to Red Robin and I didn't have to eat for the rest of the day. We had such a good time I think we could have stayed there all afternoon. As it was we had at least 2 hours of fun, and friendship. We have been doing this in Feb. for the last 3 years I think. That Cindy and Ursula are always bringing us a little gift. Candles and little holders from Ursula and the Solar Dancing Flower from Cindy. I will be keeping my eyes open all year just for the right little trinket to give them next year. Sherry says she is too.
Hubby is off to his indoor golf league and I have quiet here. No tv. Sounds so good. Sometimes that infernal gadget just makes me want to toss it out the window. I'll be so glad when the weather is warm enough so I can take a book or the kindle and escape to the yard swing.
Well off to do the usual mundane things.
You all have a great day.