

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hello Wednesday!

Where have I been?  No where.  Just having some of those blank brain days. Not much going on here.  Been reading and watching a few tv shows.  Went shopping yesterday for a few things and forgot the most important thing.  My great-grandsons birthday present.  So guess what I'm going to do today.  Looking to see what I can find that is dinosaur stuff.  His mom says he loves the creatures, so grandma is on a mission.

Been to a couple of your places this morning and have to go see what I missed on these few days off.  I'm sure I missed a lot of interesting things. 

Had to get some needles for my sewing machine and serger.  I want to finish that darn shirt that I told you has been 2 years in the making.  I want to serge the bottom for a finish and I only have to put on the buttons then the man can finally wear his shirt.  (sheepish look here)

Totally off the subject here, but why in the world can't screem writers write dialog that doesn't use that f-word.  Sheesh.  In so many movies it seems like it's ever other word.  I really don't think they have the talent needed to do a decent job, so they just fill in with that awful cursing.  What brought this up?  Jack is surfing and on one stop to check out something it was said a least a dozen times it seemed. 

Well enough rambling.  Going to get my breakfast dishes done and head out to the store.  Little Gage wants dinosaur stuff.

Have a good day.


  1. I agree with you on the F word. It's used way way too much on TV. Good luck on finishing your shirt project.

  2. Good luck on the shirt project!! And in finding the perfect birthday present for Gage.

  3. I don't understand it either. It isn't necessary to use those words when other words are less offensive and just as poignant. Happy birthday to Gage!

  4. I have no effin' idea why there is so much swearing in movie's but I do have to say there's a lot of it in every day life so I suppose that a writer could say that they are just reflecting every day life.
