

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It's going to be good.

This season of DWTS is starting off a winner compared so some others.  All the contestants did a good job.  It's going to be a tough fight.  Now I don't care what the judges think, I loved Donald Driver and his enthusiasm.    Now that may have something to do with being a biased Packer fan, but I doubt it (sheepish grin).  The man can move.

Darla is doing much better.  The antibiotics seem to be doing the trick and she is home.  Thanks for the concern.  It bothers a Mother when one of her children is having trouble no matter how old they get.

Looks to be a great day here again.  Loving it but the local weatherman thinks there still may be a frost ahead.  The trouble is with things budding it will hurt some plants and he suggested people wait a little before putting in new ones.  It would definitely help with the mosquitoes though.  They already attacked my poor granddaughter.  Her legs look so awful with them.  

The blazer is really working well and it  is so nice instead of that coughing and jerking.   You can even step on the gas and it takes off instead of stalling.  It was the fuel pump and I guess they put them in the gas tank, so it's difficult to get to them for the average home mechanic.  Surprisingly we expected  well over $500 for the repair but it was just under $400.  So glad it's fixed as Jack will be going to the annual 5th grade camp with the school next week and he takes the suburban loaded down with science supplies.  This time I will have a vehicle here for my use instead of being grounded for 4 days.  Hooray!

Here's wishing you all a good day. 


  1. Oh man, not a lot worse family wise than the car go bonkers! GLAD about Darla and that's the truth about your kids. I am still using Katies account so this is me, mom speaking. hee hee.

    I don't watch much TV so I missed DWTS beginning! I cant beieve I missed it!!!

  2. Good to hear about Darla's improvement! One step at a time seems to be the order of such things. I'm glad to hear that the Blazer is running well too, I hate having vehicle issues with a passion...who doesn't? It's quite cold here since we had a cool down that started yesterday...it will warm up but it's still cool at night...I'm quite bored with that! Have a great day my friend.

  3. I am so glad that Darla is doing better. that is great news.

    I never watch DWTS.

    Happy to hear the blazer is fixed!

  4. A beautiful day today. I hope they have good weather for the campers when they go!
