

Friday, December 31, 2010

The End

of 2010.  We can't say it hasn't been an interesting year.  Good for some and not so much for others. Praying things become much better in the year ahead.  As I put on my fb status I wish for these things in the new year. May the soldiers be safe and come home soon. Jobs for the people returning to our shores. Less greed and more giving. Less criticism of everything and more constructive attitudes. Let all peoples be more tolerant of others and their beliefs.  I feel it would be a much better world if we could just do that.

We finally got the tree down, much to the grumbling of hubby.  You would think he had to bring it in and out every month, lol.  He swears we're going to go the way of a Christmas Branch as in the Emmit Otter Jug Band Christmas.  We just laugh.   

Tonight we are going out for dinner and a show.  At the Moose no less. Yeah I know, we go there a lot, but you can't beat it for being real close to home and the prices are just great.  For the first time they are adding a magician, comedian and band to the New Years Eve dinner.  We were planning on staying home but curiosity got the best of us.  Had to see how this new thing was received.  We may leave early though as the weather is suppose to start deteroirating quickly after the melting we've had.  Do not want to have to worry about icy roads. Will have to stop in at the sister's place for a short while (I do mean short) or will be on the receiving end of harassment ;).  Definitely not going anywhere tomorrow.  Will spend the day watching the Rose Bowl parade and rooting on the Badgers.  GO BUCKY!

You all have a safe and Happy New Year!  May it bring you all good things.


  1. Your prayers are all good and I pray with you for an end to the war. Jobs, oh my, how we need a big boost for the economy.
    Happy New Year to you and your family Terry!

  2. Yes, we need much answered prayer for theses things. I hope you have a good outing tonight and be safe. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  3. A year ago, we looked forward to 2010. Some of us planned all the things we wanted to accomplish, and even set New Year's resolutions. We had wishful hope in creating new lives and habits. Now that 2010 has come to a close, a new year is ahead and there's no better time for optimistic thinking. By the time you finish reading this page, my wish for you is for you to feel optimistic and hopeful that this is the year that your dreams will come true.

  4. Happy New Year From Southern California.

    Don't forget to watch the 122nd Rose Parade on New Year's Day coming from Pasadena, California...only 30 miles from The Old Geezer's home :-)

    No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it. ~Henry Ward Beecher

    May God Bless and Protect You in the Year to Come. ~Ron

  5. Happy New Year sweet friend to you and the family. You are just the best!

  6. Happy New Year Terry! God Bless you and your family in this coming year and may health and happiness be plentiful!

  7. Happy New Year Terry. Well, our first game of the year wasn't exactly what we hoped for, but there's always another one. Like today. Sure hope the Pack can pull it off. It'll be a cold one for sure. But we all know that bears hibernate in the winter. :)

  8. That was brilliantly said. 2011 is upon us, and to all of you/us I say a Happy, Happy New Year. May we all be truly blessed over the next 12 months and more.

  9. I had to scroll backward so I could catch up with your news, Terry...

    Happy belated New Year!!! Yoiur wishes for the new year are perfect and to be hoped-for with all our hearts.

    Our decorations are still up--until the weekend, anyway; friends are coming to dinner one evening after Christmasing away and I wanted to show off our decorations. They're sorta fancy, very pretty, and down-home old-fashioned.

    I hope your new Year's Eve party was a wonderful evening for you and your dear husband and the trip home was without incident.

    2011 is under way now--I wish for you all you wish for your friends--all good things!!!

    Sending lots of nice warm hugs on a very cold winter's night!
