

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I made her cry.

I didn't mean to. We used to get eacher other gifts but as the kids came along we decided to concentrate on them.  Once three of us got together and gave Sherry a whole roll of bubble wrap.  When she saw the pretty present, she admonished us for giving her a present, but you should have seen her laugh when she opened it.  Stinkers weren't we.  But, one Christmas I made Sherry cry.  We had been going through a bunch of photos and I came across one of her and our Grandfather who had passed.  It was a wonderful cheek to cheek head shot.  A little 4x6 print, but it was so nice. I went a bought a nice frame and wrapped it.  As we all used to go to her house (before we all ran out of room) it was easy to sneak it under the tree.  Yes, I let the others know what was coming.  The look on her face when she opened it was priceless, she called me a brat and the tears began to flow.  I just wanted to make her happy.  Really I did. 


  1. Tears of joy! Great memory Terry. That was really sweet of you to give her that. I'm sure it's one of her favorite gifts.

    Cold enough for ya?

  2. How wonderful. I would have loved to see that. Such a loving family you have. Hugs.

  3. I love this story. I enjoy the love in your family, I always have. That's what keeps me coming back. You girls are like family. Distant family, yepper, but still.

    How's William?

  4. Such gifts are the best ones, Terry; bless your heart...

  5. Tears like that are priceless!

  6. What a wonderful gift to give
    Take care

  7. Those are the gifts that are priceless and remembered forever. I bet she still treasures that today...wonderful sister you are.

  8. Sometimes being called a brat and making someone cry is a good thing :-)


  9. I remember that and I'm still mad at you lol
