

Friday, October 21, 2011

Here it is.

My new toy.
I will say.  Windows 7 takes some getting used tol

Doesn't he look cute?  LOL   No costume, but he has the hat. 
Danielle bought that at school.  Just had to have it for her Daddy.

Just finished the latest Richard Castle book, Heat Rising.  Was pretty good.  Now it's making the rounds of other readers.  Darla took it to work for one of the girls to read then she's going to read it.  

Put away the summer clothes today.  Held off as long as I could.  It seems like summer just flew buy and Indian summer took a quick hike too.  39 here at the moment.  Brr.  And I still have one rose bush with flowers on it.  Darn thing actually still has some buds.  I doubt they'll open now.  The way time is flying I had better sit down and make my Christmas list.  I know I mostly get gift cards as that's usually what they all ask for, but I would like to check out catalogs and stores and see what else is out there.  Would like to be done before Dec.1.

The weekend is here.  No big plans.  I'm sure the tv will be blasting football and racing.   Pray there are no accidents like last week.  How sad that was. 

You all have a good weekend.



  1. Gorgeous! Both the computer and the hat. :-)
    Windows 7 does take some getting used to and in the beginning you will have lots of updates to do unless they did that for you in the shop.

    I love Castle and I can't wait for the new Bones show on 3 Nov. I haven't read any of the Castle books yet but I am looking forward to it.

    good luck to your Badgers and Packers.

  2. Lap top looks great! Now I want a hat like that...;-) Looks cute. Hubby doesn't have the new book of Castle yet. Go Packers!!!

  3. LOVE that sock monkey hat. I hate to tell you how close I came to getting a kitty one for myself but fear of ridicule wom out! :-)))

    DWTS..sack of grain is still in there being thrown around the floor. I hope that support wanes so the good dancers have a chance.

  4. Castle is my fave 'who done it', good to look at too...lol I used to read a lot, but internet took it away.. Cute hat and love the laptop, couldn't tell what brand. I like W7 on my HP laptop.

  5. Love the new laptop. our son-in-law modified the Windows 7 for me. Don't ask me what he did, but it tried to make it more like what I had been used. Even at that, there are still a few differences, but I've pretty much mastered it now and you will too. Go Pack - Go Badgers We'll wish for two winners.

  6. Bet you'll be using Windows 7 like a pro in no time! I've dabbled with it and like it quite a bit actually...lot's faster and less cumbersome then Vista if you ask me. Love that hat! I never know what my family is going to do to me on Halloween either! Have a great day!

  7. New laptop, and a hat for 'hubby? I like windows 7, I had a laptop with Vista but gave it to my g'daughter. she just uses for facebook stuff so she's quite happy, I've got windows XP pro on my tower and it's like watching paint dry. so slow.
    I'm thinking of transferring everything on to an external hard drive and just using the laptop, though I do love the layout of a tower. here I am rabbiting on, and I should be tending my blog, I hope I've about caught up with everyone whom I have neglected for a week or so. I just want to say thanks for your visits, I appreciate them all.
