

Monday, October 3, 2011


What a wonderful weekend for Wisconsin Sports fans.  It just couldn't hardly get any better.  All teams won and I still have all my fingernails.  Didn't even have to take one bite.  Though some tend to quickly naysay if they don't jump off with a bang I (opitimist that I am) don't panic until the last quarter or last 3 innings.  Must have faith if your going be a fan.  After all, look at all those Cub fans.  They never give up.

Plans for the day and week?  Just haven't sat down and prioritized them.  It's going to be so darn nice (the weather man assures us) that anything that doen't pertain to outside may very well be put on the back burner. 

If you have seen on fb or here, my granddaughter Carson is a bacon fanatic.  Well I've been looking for ways to make her a bacon costume.  I checked into fabric and the stores here are of no use.  Checked on line and seen a perfect fabric but NOT at $18 a yard.  I guess I should no better that to think cheap for anything.  Costumes online run around $50 so that's out.  I think I'll put her in a box and she can go as a "Chatterbox".   You have no idea how well that fits her.  Her aunt Deedee too.

I'm losing it.  I put a load of clothes in the washer and went and did dishes then came here.  Hubby came home from the store with more laudry soap and when he went out to put it on the shelf I heard "did you want to put something else in the machine".  I had just dumped the clothes in and left it.  Didn't add soap (did have enough), turn it on or nothing.  

Guess I had better get back to doing something. You all have a great day.


  1. what a thing to happen and you gave me the best smile of the day!!!

  2. I'm glad that weather is so nice for you. We haven't had a high below eighty degrees for over two weeks. I'm not a sports fan but none the less I've enjoyed it very much. We had no spring because it was cold and now it seems no fall because it's summer hot...go figure! We are taking my dear friend from Africa out on the town in a bit so I am going to enjoy the weather to its fullest. Bless you my friend.

  3. Just wash out some bacon packages and sew those together lol. On the other hand...chatter box will work too.
    Awesome sports weekend huh!

  4. The weather here is going to be great today too. I love it.

    No worry with forgetting the laundry for me now since I have to go next door to do it.

    Congrats for the home teams.

  5. So happy to hear I'm not the only one who does dumb things like that. It was a great weekend - win, win, win! Can't get any better than that.

  6. Ugh! Our baseball team just took the biggest swan dive of all time after being proclaimed buy the national experts as the"greatest team ever". I thought they would be good but not the "greatest team ever". The did have the "greatest collapse ever" though. At least the Patriots won.
    You could paint two (large) pieces of cardboard like bacon and make a sandwhich sign deal.
