

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Really ticked!

I was supposed to get my new laptop today.  The 72 hours are more than up.  When I called to see if it was done, "no they've been very busy with so many to do".  I told the fellow they said 72 hours and he was all sorry la,la.  I told him it had better be done tomorrow or I will be in for my money back.  He said he would move it to the top of the list.   

On a happier note I have a very happy daughter.  She is now Kindled.  Was yahooing all over the place last night.  Though, I went from being the good Mom to bad Mom in seconds.  Since they were on sale I ordered 2.  One for me also.  OOPS!  That's what they all were going to get me for Christmas.  In the doghouse I am.  I think I'm fairly safe with the laptop but was ordered to buy nothing more.  Sheesh, take all the fun out of shopping.

Going to the Texas Roadhouse for dinner tonight.  Tomorrow is Jodi's birthday so we're all going.  At least I think we are.  So far it's Jodi, Jack, Me, Sherry, and Bill.  I see Jodi asked Rhond and Stever but didn't see where they answered.  Could have missed it.  Jodi has a free appetizer birthday coupon and wants to try the deep fried pickles.  After which I reminded her when she turns it in she may have to ride the 'bull'.  Hee Hee.  Yes, we all are bringing a camera. 

Well got stuff to do.  Have a good day.  Hope the sun is shining where you are because it's not here.


  1. I love the Texas Roadhouse. The bread with the honey butter is delicious!!

    I hope you get your computer tomorrow. Enjoy the Kindle. I have a Nook and I like it very much but I still feel more at home with a book. You will find too if you are like me that you will be spending a lot more than you planned for e-books.

  2. Like Domino's if the time is up it's free? Wouldn't that be nice. Awe gees you went an bought yourself what they were gonna get you? You will have to think of something special you want real quick! No fancy restaurants here, that sounds good and DO take a camera!

  3. I've been to the Roadhouse once and the food was very good but it was a bit too loud for me.
    For the moment I'll stick with the old fashion books. I'm always slow to the party with new electronics. I didn't get a computer until 2000.

  4. Texas Roadhouse! Boy, I sure like to eat there though we don't go out all that often these days...great food! Sorry about the laptop, I hope they make good on things now. I hope you really enjoy your Kindel...my Mom always has hers with her! Bless you my friend.

  5. Don't you just hate it when they promise something and don't come thru with it. Especially a c omputer - we're always anxious to get that on time. What did we ever do before computers!! Sounds like a nice family celebration coming up.

  6. I hope you get your laptop to-day [I suppose it is to-day where you are] but it's annoying having to wait, I know the feeling about presents, I get hints from my family about what not to buy myself from around September.
    I'm a bit with Beth on books, maybe i'd change my mind if I had a kindle, but I go to the library and just love that feeling of anticipation coming home with an armful of books and I haven't had to pay a penny. Typical tight Scot' :-)
    Hope the celebrations went well, the food you talk about is a bit alien to me, but no dubt it's tasty, enjoy. Thanks for visiting me and leaving comments, much appreciated.

  7. I really hope you to get back your computer,
    It is not nice when they promise and they disregard that is make you an grumpy woman?
    I would be that sure :-)
    Enjoy the celebration with your family.

  8. I resisted for a long time, but I finally got a Nook (same as a Kindle really). I actually go to the library more. The Nook is great for older books (I got all of Jane Austen for about 99 cents.) It is also good when you know what you want. But for browsing and finding something new to try, I am way better in a bookstore or library. The 'suggestions' from Nook (like Amazon et al) are always for the most popular and shallowest stuff on the best seller list. Not much sign that they have a clue who I am from prior orders.

    I have more than one computer for just such eventualities as you are describing. I have three; one is an Apple mini I dedicate exclusively to streaming free TV shows, without the ads to to online Netflix DVDs. I find that I can go back and get series that interest me from the start - in one month I watched all of Mad Men. I hardly watch TV anymore, it is so much better to wait a day and miss the ads.

    Good luck on the laptop...
