

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Not a winner!

The trip to the casino was not a successful one.  Though, that I came back only $30 down could be considered a success.  No one on the bus won.  They have really tightened up those machines.  They best part was the meal they give you.  The food is so good and you get all you can eat.  Not a bad trip for $10.  Bus ride, lunch and hopefully you don't go broke.

Stopped at a little bar on the way back and the proprieter served us 'pudding shots'.  Now I think you have heard of  'jello shots'.  Well she makes hers with pudding.  Not one for doing shots but had to try them.  Boy were they good.  She had strawberry, orange and chocolate flavors.  I saw her writing down the recipe for some of those with us.  Oh Oh! 

Yahoo!  Hubby just walked in the door.  I didn't expect them so soon, but they forgot to change their clocks back.  Lol   I'm sure quite a few have forgot.  Hate that.  I wish they would just leave it alone.  I mean there are some areas where they don't do it and they seem to be doing okay.

I had something I was going to write about and now, for the life of me, I can't remember what it was.  Guess it couldn't be too important.  So, as long as the brain has gone into hibernation mode I will say,
Have a great day.



  1. Only $30 down - good for you. At least you had a good time. We did remember to set the clocks back, so I got up extra early today to celebrate. I think my system is screwed up or I'm living in Australia!!

  2. You did really well for a trip to the casino. I always set a limit too. Where I live now is only 8 miles from a casino but I have only been a couple of times since I have been here.
    I never win anything.

  3. My gosh I am so pitiful I have not heard of either jello or pudding shots. I can't even imagine.

    I got up at 6 as the cat thought it was 7 and she said that was as generous as she was gonna get.

  4. I don't know about those shots either. Kassey and I got up about 4:45 this AM, but we've been getting up early lately. Glad you had a good time and didn't lose much.

  5. All you can eat sounds good. Glad your hubby is home, now maybe you can find that scrapbook ;-)

  6. I think my brain went into hibernation mode about 20 years ago or maybe it was 30... I can't remember :-)

  7. I'm still feeling the effects of the time change. I think that is the hardest thing for me because though I can be a night owl I am a big lover of sunshine! I guess this is what we have to deal with during the season so we might as well make the best of it. Have a great day my friend!

  8. That sounds like a good $10 worth, all you can eat, wow, shame you didn't at least break even, Tango and Ruby or only just getting used to the change in the clock, I didn't realize that it happened outside Britain, ! you learn something every day, Thanks for dropping by both my sites.
