

Friday, November 18, 2011

They're gone.

The hunters have head for the north woods.  Would you believe without even a good-bye.  Yup, they did.  They were waiting for son and grandson and when they got here they made sure everything was packed (double-checked), climbed in and off they went.  I was doing up breakfast dishes and came out to see if son had shown up and say good-bye to them.  No one was there.  So a text to the hubby that said "WELL GOOD-BYE!  Shortly a sheepish phone call with an I'm Sorry.  Got all caught up in the readiness.

Now to decide what NOT to do first, lol.  There's cleaning and laundry, sorting and tossing, organizing and other stuff like that.  Wait, there's also shopping and wrapping, blogging and fb, reading and tv, sewing and scrapbooking.  Now those sound like much more fun and interesting.  Ah the choices.  I know you know just which group will get the most attention ;-).

Have a good day. 

"A mouse in her room woke Miss Downd,
Who was frightened and screamed very loud.
Then a happy thought hit her---
To scare off the critter,
She sat up in be and meowed."
---Edward Lear---


  1. Relax and have fun while the guys are doing their thing.

  2. Enjoy the time to yourself...I'm sure you'll find plenty not to do!

  3. Enjoy the 'me' time. You'll think of something to do or not to do. Love the cute poem, gave me a giggle.

  4. Just relax and enjoy their being gone. The work will wait for you as no one else will do it. LOL
